Sunday, March 29, 2009

Don't give up on me yet!

Still not blogging, but since some of my friends obviously haven't given up hope on me, I did want to prove that I still have my password and do know how to post to my blog in case they ever come by this way!

Starting ball season this week, both softball and baseball, so I probably won't resurface 'til at least late May or early June, just in time for the kids to be home from school and telling me they're bored every 10 minutes... I will never get to blog like my friends, will I?

In the meantime, a few more pictures from the snow (can you tell we NEVER get snow here?!?) and one from Christmas, which is the last time my children were seen neatly groomed and smiling in each other's presence.

Much love,

Sunday, November 16, 2008

under construction...

like most things in my life...i'll get around to eventually.
blogging is included in this.
here's a current pic in the meantime.
